National Coalition Institute
Research into Action
October 27, 2023

Research Into Action Webinar: Polysubstance Use: Methamphetamine Amidst the Overdose Crisis

Dr. Wilson Compton, Deputy Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) of the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Compton presented the findings of his and his colleagues’ recent article, “Polysubstance Use in the U.S. Opioid Crisis” published in Molecular Psychiatry in 2020.  He presented recent data about overdose deaths during the recent COVID-19 pandemic and the marked increases in fentanyl-related and stimulant-related (i.e. methamphetamine and cocaine) across the country. These changes are a stark reminder of the polydrug nature of drug use, with an emphasis on primary prevention in addressing these concerns.

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